Donatella Danielli

Donatella Danielli is a professor of mathematics at Purdue University and is known for her contributions to partial differential equations, calculus of variations and geometric measure theory, with specific emphasis on free boundary problems. She received a Laurea cum Laude in Mathematics from the University of Bologna, Italy in 1989. She completed her doctorate in 1999 at Purdue, under the supervision of Carlos Kenig. Before joining the Purdue University faculty in 2001, she held positions at The Johns Hopkins University and at the Institut Mittag-Leffler in Sweden. She was also a visiting fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in 2014.
She is the creator and organizer of the Symposia on Analysis and PDEs and of the Women in Mathematics Days, both at Purdue University. Her mathematics genealogy ID is 52294.

Selected awards
