Dooni Pahoo

Dooni Pahoo is a village in Anantnag Tehsils in Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir.


According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Dooni Pahoo village is 003733. Dooni Pahoo village is located in Anantnag Tehsil of Anantnag district in Jammu & Kashmir, India. Anantnag is nearest town to Dooni Pahoo village.

Tourist places near Dooni Pahoo

Aru Valley, Betaab Valley, Amarnath Caves, Martand Sun Temple, Aishmuqam Shrine, Uma Devi, Kherbawani Asthapan are the major tourist attractions near to Dooni Pahoo.


Rice, maize, wheat, pulses, fodder, oil seeds, potato and barley are the major crops that are cultivated mostly in the area.

Dooni Pahoo Cuisine

Rogan Josh, Yakhni, Dum Olav, Matschgand, Kashmiri Muji Gaad, Aab Gosht, Goshtaba, Modur Pulav, Lyodur Tschaman, Momos, Thukpa, Skyu, Khambir, Paba and Tangdur, Thenthuk, Morel, Palov, Madra, Oria, Maani, Khameera, Katha Meat, Shasha, Kasrod, Timru-di-Chatni, Shiri Pulav, Mitha Bhat are few of the many varieties of Dooni Pahoo.


By Rail

& Anantnag Railway Station are the very nearby railway stations to Dooni Pahoo. However Jammu Tawi Railway Station is a major railway station 243 km from Dooni Pahoo.