Dorico is a scorewriter developed and released by Steinberg for Microsoft Windows and macOS. Released on 19 October 2016, it was created largely by former developers of the competing product Sibelius, who were hired by Steinberg following the closure of Avid's London office in July 2012.
The project was first unveiled on the Making Notes blog by Daniel Spreadbury on 20 February 2013. The program's title Dorico was revealed on the same blog on 17 May 2016. The name honours the 16th-century Italian music engraver Valerio Dorico, who printed first editions of sacred music by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Giovanni Animuccia and pioneered the use of a single impression printing process first developed in England and France.
Version history
Released: 27 July 2020Improvements made to Play mode, Setup mode, bar numbers, chord diagrams, condensing, expression maps, figured bass, lines, markers, mixer, music symbols, ornaments, pitch before duration input, playback options, playback templates, playing techniques, rehearsal marks, staff labels, tablature, tempo, text, and user interface.
Released: 20 May 2020Pitch before duration in note input; Enhanced expression maps; Line style editors; Figured bass support; Condensing for divisi and section players; Properties filter; Manual staff visibility changes; Clef and transposition overrides; Use chord diagrams grid; Graphic slices; Making part-scores in Hollywood style; Blank staves support, etc.
Released: 25 February 2020Modest update with mostly bug fixes.
Released: 7 October 2019Improvements consist mostly of bug fixes, along with improvements to guitar tablature and harp pedaling.
Released: 2 September 2019New condensing feature, full support for guitar notation and harp pedaling, custom playback templates, independent voice playback, velocity and pitch bend editing, Soundiron Olympus Choir Micro choral sound library, Comments feature, harmonics, grouped playing techniques, and multiple-stave entry; improvements to arpeggio signs, auto-save, bar numbers, chord symbols, clefs, dynamics, fingering, glissando lines, lyrics, multi-bar rests, navigation, note input, ossias, page layout, playback, print mode, project info, staff labels, tempo, text, trills, VST expression maps, user interface, installation and licensing, and platform support.
Released: 23 April 2019Improvements consist largely of bug fixes; however, some improvements were made to the Tempo Track Import feature and to note input, such as the ability to 'audition' whole chords as they are selected and maintain selections after deletion events.
Released: 31 January 2019New features include a 'flipping' keystroke and Auto-save; small improvements to a wide range of areas such as barlines, layouts, MIDI recording, multi-bar rests, printing, and graphics export.
Released: 23 November 2018Features improved or added include MIDI recording, repeat markers, jazz articulations, tempo track import/export, flow headings, tacets, trills, staff brackets, and an editor for all music symbols.
Released: 10 August 2018Swing playback, Notehead Editor; improvements to audio export, accidentals, barlines, chord symbols, cues, divisi labelling, filters, flows, layouts, playback, rhythm slashes, staff labels, and video.
Released: 30 May 2018Support for composing to video, a range of time signature styles, MIDI automation, divisi staves, ossias, additional staves for instruments, rhythmic slashes, bar repeats, playback techniques editor, the inclusion of Petaluma handwritten music font, and support for NotePerformer. Many productivity enhancements and minor additions were also added.
Released: 1 December 2017Added support for fingering and unpitched percussion notation; improvements made to importing MIDI and MusicXML files, Play mode, Engrave mode, Print mode, articulations, barlines, bar numbers, chord symbols, clefs, dynamics, filters, flows, glissando lines, instrument changes, multi-bar rests, noteheads, note input, ornaments, page layout, pedal lines, playing techniques, rehearsal marks, rest grouping, scaling, slurs, staff labels, stems, tempo text, ties, time signatures, tuplets, user interface, performance, and localization.
Released: August 2017Added example projects; improvements made to chord symbols, dynamics, flows, importing MIDI files, pedal lines, playback, repeat endings, tempo, and vertical spacing.
Released: June 2017New features include chord symbols, support for MIDI output devices, enharmonic spelling during MIDI step input, piano pedal lines, repeat endings, filters, casting off, added fonts, MusicXML import, tokens, troubleshooting; improvements made to editing in Write mode, Play mode, Engrave mode, flows, MIDI import, key commands, editing note spacing, accidentals, arpeggio signs, barlines, beams, brackets and braces, clefs, copy and paste, dynamics, fonts, font styles, instrument changes, key signatures, lyrics, navigation, note input, note spacing, option dialogs, ornaments, page layout, playback, playing techniques, rests, selections, slurs, staff labels, staves, text, time signatures, tuplets, voices, user interface, performance, and installation.
Released: February 2017New features include Auto-backup, Tutorials tab, and Videos button; improvements made to accidentals, bar numbers, barlines, brackets and braces, clefs, color, dynamics, grace notes, hub window, instruments, lyrics, players, popovers, printing, project info, rests, tempo, text, and tremolos.
Released: December 2016Added support for arpeggio signs and SMuFL-compliant music fonts; improvements made to brackets and braces, instruments, key commands, lyrics, note input, notes, ornaments, page layout, playback, preferences, rests, templates, tempo, and views.
Released: November 2016Added support for transposing, staff spacing, and VST Expression Maps; improvements made to articulations, beams, brackets and braces, key signatures and accidentals, licensing, lyrics, note input and editing, page layout, playback, selections, time signatures, tuplets, and voices.
Released: 19 October 2016Initial release version.