Douwe Dabbert

Douwe Dabbert is a Dutch fantasy comics series by artist Piet Wijn and scenarist. It was published between 1975 and 2001.


Douwe Dabbert is a fantasy comic set in an undetermined past, though in two stories "De Weg naar west" and "De zee naar zuid" he meets representatives of the West-Indische Compagnie, which would put his adventures in the 17th century. Despite the historical context the comic makes use of many fantastic elements such as witchcraft, fictitious kingdoms and anthropomorphic animals.

List of characters

Between 1975 and 2001 the series was published without interruption. They were pre-published in small episodes in the Dutch magazine Donald Duck. All longer stories have been published in 23 comic book albums afterwards. Some shorter stories exist too, but haven't been published in the regular series yet. Piet Wijn drew all the stories personally, except for the final one, which was partially done by Dick Matena, due to Wijn's health problems at the time, which would lead to his death in 2010.


  1. "De verwende prinses"
  2. "Het verborgen dierenrijk"
  3. "De valse heelmeester"
  4. "De poort naar oost"
  5. "Het monster van het Mistmeer"
  6. "De schacht naar noord"
  7. "De weg naar west"
  8. "De zee naar zuid"
  9. "Florijn de flierefluiter"
  10. "De tanden van Casius Gaius"
  11. "Het flodderwerk van Pief"
  12. "De laatste plager" , includes a Christmas story
  13. "De heksen van eergisteren"
  14. "Op het spoor van kwade zaken" , short stories
  15. "Het bedrog van Balthasar"
  16. "De dame in de lijst"
  17. "Bombasto met het boze oog" , short stories
  18. "De kast met duizend deuren" , with a short story within a story
  19. "Het schip van ijs"
  20. "De zwarte kimono"
  21. "Het gemaskerde opperhoofd"
  22. "Terug naar het verborgen dierenrijk"
  23. "De wonderlijke raamvertelling" , two adventures in one story.