Down Syndrome Centre

Down Syndrome Centre is a registered Irish charity that was set up in 2002 by parents of children with Down syndrome. The aim of the charity is to establish Ireland’s first centre to provide a range of dedicated services - medical, developmental and educational - which meet the specific needs of people with Down syndrome throughout their lifetime.
In the years since start up, the charity has accumulated funds for the purposes of acquiring land and covering building costs for the centre. However, the search for a site within the environs of Dublin has been thwarted by a lack of affordable land. While Down Syndrome Centre continues to search for a suitable site, they have been begun to provide a range of outreach services that they believe will assist people with Down syndrome and their families. These include:
The charity holds a number of fundraising events during the year, which includes Golf Classics, "The Strawberry Ball", "Laughternoon", their Christmas lunch and a "Buy My Dress" program – a sale of over 1000 used high street and designer dresses that have been donated by Irish women.