
DragonLords is a British role-playing game fanzine that was self-published by Marc Gascoigne, Mike Lewis, and Ian Marsh.

Publication history

DragonLords, subtitled "Yet Another Fantasy & Sci-Fi Roleplaying Magazine", began publication in the early 1980s. Satirical, irreverent and self-deprecating in nature, it focussed mainly on role-playing games, but also featured reviews, articles about computer games, and a regular column about Diplomacy. The fanzine ran for 22 issues.


In the August 1982 edition of Dragon, Gary Gygax found that "The digest-size magazine is filled with material of a fairly high value, and is surprisingly even, too." Gygax lauded DragonLords for "its obvious attempt to make meaningful contributions to adventure gaming." He concluded that "DragonLords is a well done amateur effort which seems bent on improving itself and the hobby."