List of DC Comics characters: D
- D.W. Derwent
- D'Aramis, Vivian
- D'aran Tuu
- D'Arcy, Joan
- D'Armand, Raoul
- D'Artagnan
- De'Cine
- D'kay D'razz
- Da'Bomb
- da Costa, Beatriz Bonilla
- da Pisa, Rustichello
- da Vinci, Leonardo
- Daalon
- Daamon, Lord
- Dabir
- Dabney Donovan
- Dabney Donovan clone
- Dabney Donovan
- Dabushka
- Dad
- Daemon
- Daffy
- Dag Wentim
- Dagger
- Dagger
- Daggett, Roland
- Daggle, Ji
- Daggle, Liggt
- Daggle, Reep
- Daggle, Ren
- Daggle, Von
- Daggle, Zhay
- Dagmar Procjnow
- Dagon
- Dagon the Avenger
- Dahak
- Dahl, Mary
- Dai Yokohama
- Daimon Hellstrom
- Daisy
- Daisy
- Daisy
- Daisy Darling
- Dak
- Daka, Tito
- Dala
- Dale Colton
- Dale Ericks
- Dale Evans
- Dale Smith
- Dale Smith
- Dale, Bill
- Dale, Missus
- Dale, Mister
- Dales, Sam
- Dale, Steve
- Daley
- Daley, Bob
- Dalila Rose
- Dallas
- Dallas Eddie
- Dalor
- Dalton, Bret
- Dalton, Professor
- Brian Daly |Daly, Brian
- Damage
- Damascus
- Damian Wayne
- Damien
- Damien Dahrk
- Damon Brant
- Damon Matthews
- Damon, Larceny Luke
- Damyn, Lord
- Dan
- Dan Dare
- Dan Holohan
- Dan Jeffers
- Dan Marz
- Dan Riley
- Dan Robb
- Dan Stone
- Dan the Dyna-Mite
- Dan Turpin
- Dan Wheeler
- Dana Blessing |Dana Blessing
- Dana Hanrahan
- Dana Tan
- Danar-85
- Dancer
- Dandy, John
- Dane
- Dane Dorrance
- Dane Gnorr
- Dane Roberts
- Danforth, Principal
- Daniel Boone
- Daniel Bustamonte
- Daniel Danforth Dickerson III
- Daniel Fletcher
- Daniel Hall
- Daniel Mockridge
- Daniel Peres
- Daniel Young
- Daniel, Warden
- Danielle Foccart
- Daniels, James
- Daniels, Michael
- Daniels, Rachel
- Danko, Willis
- Danny
- Danny Brickwell
- Danny Chan
- Danny Nod
- Danny Redburn
- Danny the Street
- Danny Dubb
- Danny Harris
- Danny Victor
- Danton, Sneaky
- Danvers, Carol
- Danvers, Edna
- Danvers, Fred
- Danvers, Linda
- Danvers, Linda Lee, Kara Zor-El, Kara Kent, Satan Girl, Flamebird
- Daphne Demeter
- Dapper
- Dar, Kulan
- Darby, Kenneth
- Dare the Terminator
- Dare, Richard
- Dark Alley
- Dark Angel
- Dark Claw
- Dark Destroyer
- Dark Firebird
- Dark Flash
- Dark Flea
- Dark Frances
- Dark Kahn
- Dark Lantern
- Dark Light
- Dark Man
- Dark Lion
- Dark Nemesis
- Dark Opal
- Dark Star
- Darkfire
- Darkon
- Darkseid
- Darkstar
- Darl Klus
- Darla Aquista
- Dar-Lin
- Darling, Courtley
- Darling, Mister
- Darnell
- Darnell Jeffreys
- Darnell, Stacy
- Daron Ved
- Darren, Chuck
- Darrow, Franklin
- Darryl
- Darryl Frye
- Dart
- Dartalg
- Darwin Jones
- Daryl Wilbur
- Darzz the Dictator
- Dasim, Malet
- Dask N'oir
- Dauntless
- Dava
- Davalos, Gregori
- Dave
- Dave Corby
- Dave E, Harlson
- Dave Hammond
- Dave Munroe
- Dave Stevens
- Davey Merrill
- David
- David Cain
- David Carew
- David Clinton
- David Connor
- David Cornell
- David Creighton
- David Gunderson
- David Hull
- David Kim
- David King
- David Letterman
- David MacDannon
- David Magnus
- David Nelson
- David Page
- David Palmer
- David Pearson
- David Ramsey
- David Said
- David Shelby
- David Singh
- David Wheeler
- Davida Perkins
- Davies, Alan
- Davies, Jackson
- Davis
- Davis Bloome
- Davis, Ethel
- Davis, Frank
- Davis, Fred
- Davis, Hallie
- Davis, Hawker
- Davis, Missus
- Davis, Richard Harding
- Davis, Rocky
- Davis, Skip
- Davis, Stephen
- Davis, Tom
- Davo Yull
- Davood Nassur
- Davy Crockett
- Davy Tenzer
- Daw, Jack
- Dawes, Blackie
- Dawes, Rachel
- Dawg
- Dawlakispokpok
- Dawn Allen
- Dawn Man
- Dawn, Kit
- Dawnstar
- Dawson, Charles
- Dawson, Chuck
- Dawson, Mabel
- Day, Maisie
- Daybreaker
- Dayton, Roger
- Dazzler
- de Bergerac, Cyrano
- de Medici, Catherine
- de Neuve, Lili
- de Saint-Just, Louis
- de Villars, Jean-Marc
- Deacon Blackfire
- Deacon, Eddie
- Dead Eddie
- Dead Romeo
- Deadfall
- Deadeye
- Deadline
- Deadly Nightshade
- Deadman
- Deadman
- Deadshot
- Dead-Shot Daniels
- Deadzone
- Deakins, Carey
- Deakins, Mister
- Dealer Wheeler
- Dean
- Dean Burroughs
- Dean Chalmers
- Dean Martin
- Dean Nederlander
- Deanna Clay
- Death
- Death Angel
- Deathblow
- Deathbolt
- Death-Doll
- Deathstorm
- Deathstroke
- Deathtrap
- Deathwing
- Deathwish
- Deb
- Debbi
- Debbie Porter
- Debbie Walker
- Deborah Camille Darnell
- Debra |Debra
- Debris
- Debris, Sidney
- DeCarlo, Roger
- Decay
- Deception
- Decker, Swab
- De'Cine
- Dee Tyler
- Dee, Ethel
- Dee, John
- Dee Dee
- Dee Dee
- Deems, Mister
- Deep Blue
- Deeter, Sir
- William Deever |Deever, William
- Deimos
- Dekker, Paul
- Del Arrazzio, Vincent
- Delfi
- Delia Banning
- Delgado, Jose
- Delirium
- Delmore Redhorn
- Delon, Lorraine
- Delores
- Delores Winters
- Delphae
- Demeter
- DeMille, Laura
- Demise
- Demolisher
- Demolitia
- Demolition
- Demon
- Demon Damsel
- Demon Fox
- Demonia
- Demostedes, Nima
- Demosthenes
- Dempsey |Dempsey
- Denby, Vernon
- Deneiros, Agostos
- Deneiros, Julia
- Deneiros, Maria
- Denetto, Johnny
- Deng Zho-Zhi
- Deni Hayes
- Denim, Sue
- Denis Nayland Smith
- Dennis
- Dennis
- Dennis Harmon
- Dennis, Gale
- Dennis, Paul
- Dennis' father
- Dennis' grandfather
- Dennis' mother
- Dennison, Chick
- Denny Travers
- Dent, Evelyn "Eve"
- Dent, Gilda
- Dent, Harvey
- Denton Fixx
- Denton, Holly
- Depardo, Barney
- Deputy Jim
- Deputy Sheriff of Red Gulch
- Deregon
- Derek
- Derek Niles
- Derek Powers
- Derek Reston
- Dern, Paxton
- Dervish
- Derwood Denton
- Desaad
- Desai, Arani
- Desire
- Desmond Doomsday
- Desmond Powell
- Desmond, Mark
- Desmond, R.J.
- Despair
- Despero
- Despotellis
- Destine, Baroness
- Destiny
- Destiny of the Endless
- Detonator
- Destroyer
- Destroyer
- Destroyer
- Destroyer 171
- Destructar
- Destruction
- Detective Brady
- Detective Brown
- Detective Cameron
- Detective Captain Reilly
- Detective Casey
- Detective Chimp
- Detective Kandowski
- Detective Regan
- Detective Sergeant Payton
- Detective Takahata
- Dethalis, Merayn
- Dett, Lester
- Deuce Canyard
- Devastation
- Devastator
- Dev-Em
- Devere, Annette
- Devere, Francois
- Devere, Madge
- Devil Dog
- Devilance
- Devil-Fish
- Devilin, Angel
- Devin
- Devlin O'Ryan
- Devlin, Paul
- Devlin, Jim
- Devlos Ungol
- Devon
- Devon Wells
- DeWitt, Alexandra
- Dex, Jan
- Dex-Starr
- Dexter
- Dexter Willis
- Dexter, Norman
- Dexter, Sergeant
- Dexterity, Manuel
- Dexterity, Manuella
- Dgrth
- Dhai, Thaumar
- Dharlu
- di Bota, Rocco
- di Rienzi, Carlo
- di Rienzi, Rafael
- Diabola
- Dial H.U.S.K.
Dragon King
The man known as "Dragon King" was a high-ranking official in the Japanese government during World War II, as well as a brilliant scientist. He was the researcher responsible for the creation of the nerve gas K887. He obtained the mythical Holy Grail for Japan, and was able to combine it with Adolf Hitler's Spear of Destiny which the German dictator had loaned to Japanese General Hideki Tōjō. With the two items, the Dragon King and Hitler were able to create a field of arcane magic that shielded imperial Japan and Fortress Europa from attack by the allies' super heroes or "Mystery Men." The field ensured that any hero with magic-based powers, or a vulnerability to magic, would instantly be converted to the Axis cause, keeping some of the allies' most powerful heroes out of the theatre of war. Some heroes were temporarily able to circumvent this for humanitarian missions, despite the Dragon King's best efforts. After surrender of Japan|Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945, the Dragon King went into hiding and experimented with combining his own genetic material with that of a lizard. He eventually succeeded in making himself a hybrid of human and reptile.
In more recent history, the Dragon King resurfaced in the fictional town of Blue Valley, Nebraska, with a daughter named Cindy Burman, now a villainess called "Shiv". While making use of a robot that operated as Principal Sherman at Blue Valley High School, Dragon King is served by Paintball, Skeeter, and Stunt. He clashed against the second Star-Spangled Kid, Courtney Whitmore, her sidekick S.T.R.I.P.E., and the Shining Knight, while the latter was on a quest to reclaim the Holy Grail. It is strongly implied during this confrontation that the Dragon King had in the past murdered the All-Star Squadron member Firebrand. During this fight, the Dragon King himself was apparently killed, although his body was never found.
He later resurfaced with the Spear of Destiny in his possession and attempted to raise an army of super-powered soldiers, but was defeated by the Justice Society of America.
Dragon King in other media
- Dragon King makes a cameo appearance in the Young Justice episode "Humanity", as part of a flashback sequence. He attempts to assassinate the Flash at the 1939 World's Fair, but ends up shooting Firebrand by mistake.
- Dragon King appears in the DC Universe series Stargirl portrayed by Nelson Lee. This version is a member of the Injustice Society and a controversial scientist named Dr. Shiro Ito who was originally an Imperial Japanese war criminal from WWII who was supposedly executed for his work with biological weapons. Having survived to the present day, however, he hides his identity with an elaborate costume and experiments on himself and his patients. In addition, Cindy Burman being his daughter remains intact within this show while his current "wife" is Bobbie Burman. Debuting in the episode "Wildcat," Dragon King meets with his leader Icicle to discuss his support for the Injustice Society's plans involving a machine he is building and Shade betraying the group. While he considered late member Wizard to be vile, Dragon King got Icicle's approval to obtain his body for further experiments. He is also concerned with the possibility of Brainwave's son developing powers of his own, to the point of forcing his daughter to date him in order to keep watch over him. His suspicions later prove correct when Cindy fights Stargirl and the boy uses psychic powers to knock them down after getting caught in the crossfire. Stargirl later leads the JSA in an attack on the Injustice Society's subterranean headquarters and fight Dragon King, during which they discover he had acquired reptilian traits.
Dragon Lang
Dragon, Richard
- Dragoneer
- Dragonfly
- Dragonlord
- Dragonmage
- Dragonsword
- Drake Burroughs
- Drake, Jack
- Drake, Judge
- Drake, Jackson "Rats-Eye"
- Drake, Mister
- Drake, Professor
- Drake, Tim
- Drake, Tim
- Drakon, Constantine
- Drang
- Draper, Carl
- Drax
- Dread
- Dreadbolt
- Dream
- Dream
- Dream Boy
- Dream Girl
- Dreamslayer
- Dredd, Joseph
- Drew Stone
- Drew, Joe
- Drew, Richard
- Drew, Theresa
- Drexel, Otto
- Dribble, Adelbert
- Drill Beast
- Driller )
- Driq
- Driver, Marcus
- Drive-Thru
- Drone
- Drooly
- Droom
- Droop
- Droukas, Clio
- Droxelle
- Droz, General
- Druid
- Druid
- Druiter, Hart
- Druu
- Dru-Zod
- Drygur Moliom
- Duality
- Duane Doberman
- Randa Duane |Duane, Randa
- Duane, Randa, android
- DuBarry, Travis
- Dubbilex
- Dubbilex, Professor
- DuBois, Cinder
- Ducard, Henri
- Duchess
- Duck Dodgers
- Dude Dunn
- Dudley
- Duela Dent
- Dugan, Biff
- Dugan, Flash
- Dugan, Inspector
- Dugan, Pat
- Duggin, Mad Dog
- Duke
- Duke Brady
- Duke Bragger
- Duke Daggett
- Duke Dugan
- Duke Nguyen
- Duke of Deception
- Duke of Oil
- Duke Thomas
- Duma
- Dumaka
- Dumars, Louis
- Dumas
- Dumb Bunny
- Dummy
- Dunbar Dodo
- Duncan, Lenore
- Duncan, Karen
- Duncan, Mal, Hornblower, Herald and Vox ))
- Dune
- Dunfey
- Dunham, Avery
- Dunn, Amos
- Dunn, Betty
- Dunne
- Dunphy
- Dunstan, Harry
- Duplicate Boy
- Duplicate Man
- Duquesne, Kathy
- Duran
- Durant, August
- Durant, Mister
- Durgo, Luornu
- Durham, Cal
- Duriel
- Durst, Wanda
- Dusk
- Dusk, Nathaniel
- Dust Devil
- Dutch O'Leary
- Duval, Colonel
- Duvall, Arkady
- DuWayne |DuWayne
- Dwalu
- Dwarfstar
- Dwayne
- Dybbuk
- Dymer, Ted
- Dymphna
- Dynamex
- Dynamo Boy
- Dynamo Dave |Dynamo Dave
- Dynamoll
- Dynar