Dream Maker is a webseries that stars Audrina Patridge as an up-and-coming talent manager who moves from Hollywood to Detroit to start her own talent agency. Written and directed by Asher Levin and produced by YOBI.tv, the series follows the adventures of Tracy Jacobs, her assistant Jason Smith, and her receptionist Jamie Johnson as they discover, sign, and send their clients on to stardom. Much of the initial press given to the series focused on the fact that Audrina's co-stars and other members of the Dream Maker cast and crew are winners of the various online talent contests hosted by YOBI.tv. Among those joining Patridge on-camera are YOBIAct winners Rory Kramer and Lisa Mason Lee, YOBILaugh winners Joshua David Evans and Gisele Noel, YOBISing winners Kari Fleskes and Janick Thibault, and YOBIFilm winner Tal Haring. The contest winners working behind the camera are YOBIPics winner Chris Ebarb and YOBIFilm winners Tal Haring and Paul Kurti.
Dream Maker was filmed in early June 2011 at a variety of locations in and around Detroit. Behind the scenes photos as well as video commentaries from the cast and crew are available on the official Dream Maker production blog.
;Episode 1 - Tracy Leaves L.A. to Make Dreams Come True in the D ;Episode 2 - The Dream Maker Talent Management Firm Is Now Open ;Episode 3 - Dream Maker Signs Its First Client ;Episode 4 - Dream Maker Must Prioritize Its Dream List ;Episode 5 - Dream Maker Scouts Hot New Internet Sensation ;Episode 6 - Dream Maker Prepares Its First Production ;Episode 7 - Dream Maker Squad ~ The Music Video ;Episode 8 - Dream Maker Pursues New Deals for Current Clients ;Episode 9 - Dream Maker Pushes the Limits ;Episode 10 -Dream Maker Aims to Expand ;Episode 11 -Dream Maker Gears Up New Projects ;Episode 12 - Dream Maker Looks to the Future for Success ;Episode 13 - Dream Maker Is Tempted with a New Business Venture
The Dream Maker soundtrack was released on 25 August 2011. The five artists appearing on the soundtrack are the winners of the YOBI.tv Season 3 YOBISing contest. ;Songs
;Bonus Tracks Two additional tracks -- "I’m In Love with a Strudel" and "Dream Maker Squad," both by series co-star Joshua David Evans—are available exclusively on the Dream Maker website in exchange for a tweet.