Dream School
Dream School is an American reality television series on SundanceTV that premiered on October 7, 2013. The series follows fifteen high school dropouts as they are taught by a series of celebrity "teachers", including actor David Arquette, conservationist Jeff Corwin, civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, astronaut Mae Jemison, television journalist Soledad O'Brien, financial expert Suze Orman, filmmaker Oliver Stone, and musician Swizz Beatz. The series is an adaptation of British television show Jamie's Dream School, created by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, and is produced by Oliver and rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson.Episodes
On May 19, 2014, SundanceTV renewed the series for a second season, which premiere Wednesday, October 1 at 10/9c.Dream School Faculty
- Principal – Dr. Steven Keller
- Scott Whitney
- Tizoc Brenes
- Emily Bautista
Celebrity Teachers