Drenai Series

The Drenai Series is a fantasy series by British writer David Gemmell. The series is about the history of the Drenai Nation and follows various heroes through the ages of its history.


  1. Legend
  2. The King Beyond the Gate
  3. Waylander
  4. Quest for Lost Heroes
  5. The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
  6. The Legend of Deathwalker
  7. Winter Warriors
  8. Hero in the Shadows
  9. White Wolf
  10. The Swords of Night and Day
Additionally, David Gemmell's novels Knights of Dark Renown and Morningstar are also set in the same fictional world, although they involve events taking place many centuries before the rise of the Drenai.


The publishing order of the books does not correspond to the chronology of events that take place in the series. The chronological order is:
  1. Knights of Dark Renown
  2. Morningstar
  3. Waylander
  4. Hero in the Shadows
  5. The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
  6. The Legend of Deathwalker
  7. White Wolf
  8. Legend
  9. The King Beyond the Gate
  10. Quest for Lost Heroes
  11. Winter Warriors
  12. The Swords of Night and Day


Jungir became Khan and had his brothers killed, siring twins with a Gothir slave woman, though he died before they were born at Bel-Azar, killed by a Gothir boy who was possessed by the spirit of Tenaka Khan.
After the death of Jungir Khan one of his sons was taken by the shaman Asta Khan to be the new Khan of the Nadir. The other twin was smuggled away and led the Drenai to freedom against his brother in the War of the Twins. The final fate of the Nadir Empire is not known.
