Drina (župa)

Drina was a medieval župa located somewhere in what is now Podrinje in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina and western Serbia. Its location and spreading is unclear. The region was part of the first Serbian Principality, in the Early Middle Ages. John Kinnamos noted that the Drina separated Bosnia from Serbia, although an 1187 Papal document still identified Bosnia as part of Serbia. The Drina župa was mentioned in the Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja, as the site of a battle and the fief of Serbian nobleman Tihomir during Prince Časlav's reign. In 1359, veliki čelnik Dimitrije is mentioned as holding Gacko, Drina, Dabar, and Rudine. Drina is mentioned as an area with the fortified town of Sokol-grad in 1444, as a dominium in 1448, as a lordship with Falcone in 1454. It was part of the dominion of the Kosača noble family.