Dual-Stage 4-Grid

The Dual-Stage 4-Grid is an electrostatic ion thruster design developed by the European Space Agency, in collaboration with the Australian National University. The design was derived by D. Fern from Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor experiments that use a 4-grid mechanism to accelerate ion beams.
A 4-grid ion thruster with only 0.2 m diameter is projected to absorb 250 kW power. With that energy input rate, the thruster could produce a thrust of 2.5 N. The specific impulse, could reach 19,300 s at an exhaust velocity of 210 km/s if xenon propellant were used. The potentially attainable power and thrust densities would substantially extend the power absorption of current ion thrusters to far more than 100 kW. These characteristics facilitate the development of ion thrusters that can result in extraordinary high-end velocities.
Like with thruster concepts such as VASIMR, the dual-stage-4-grid ion thrusters are mainly limited by the necessary power supply for their operation. For example, if solar panels were to supply more than 250 kW, the size of the solar array would surpass the size of the solar panels of the International Space Station. To provide 250 kW with Stirling radioisotope generators would require roughly 17 tonne of plutonium-238, and so a nuclear thermal reactor would be needed.
