Duayaw Nkwanta

Duayaw Nkwanta is a town and the capital of Tano North Municipal, a municipal in the Ahafo Region of Ghana, located close to the capital of Bono, Sunyani. The infrastructure of Duayaw Nkwanta is well structured. Duayaw Nkwanta has a settlement population of 27,476.
Good and first class Schools, Arts & Music Production Studio


Agriculture is the main occupation among the workforce of Duayaw Nkwanta.
Arts, Education and Entertainment being the children and youth's target
Good Place for Business and Marketing, Nice Patronage and Good Population


Duayaw Nkwanta has one of the best hospitals in Brong-Ahafo. It is known as the Saint John of God of Hospital. The hospital has an excellent orthopaedic centre. It is rated among the top three in Ghana.


Duayaw Nkwanta is also known for the Boakye Tromo Secondary Technical School. It also has a female girls' Senior High School known as, Serwah Kesse High School. Formerly, it was a mixed school by the name of Duayaw-Nkwanta Secondary School, St. John of God College of Health, Presbyterian Midwifery