
Durakovo is a village in Kaluga Oblast, Russia, south-east of Moscow.


Durakovo is a agricultural settlement that developed on a foundation of state farming of beets and cabbage. The village was named, according to local legend, when one aristocrat won it from another in a card game called “Fools”.
The Durakovo region is home to artists, priests, businessmen, and farmers - all who recently would have witnessed the birth and growth of human industry, prosperity, and sobriety due to the creation of a residential treatment center for alcoholic men. The center, also named Durakovo, is a twelve-step focused vocational and residential treatment program for individuals with alcohol and drug addictions; residents’ ages range from 15 to 67.


In 2008, Nino Kirtadze realized a documentary film entitled "For God, Tsar and the Fatherland", regarding the rehabilitation centre from Durakovo, patronized by Russian Orthodox philanthropist Mikhail Morosov.