Dutch linguistic influence on naval terms
Historically, many Dutch military terms have been influential and adopted as loanwords by many other languages all over the world. Although most of these words are connected to naval activities, some relate to land warfare.
Some Dutch naval terms adopted by the various languages include:
Other words include:
- Avast, from hou vast, meaning hold fast.
- Drill, from the verb drillen, to train/instruct
- Freebooter, from vrijbuiter.
- Yacht, from jacht meaning hunt
- Pump, from pomp.
- Sloop, from sloep.
- Skipper, from schipper meaning someone who ships.
- Keel, from kiel
- Maelstrom, from maalstroom meaning "strong current"
- Forlorn hope, from verloren hoop "lost hope".
- Cruiser, from the verb to cruise from Dutch doorkruisen meaning to sail across or go through.
- Brandy, from Dutch brandewijn, distilled wine.
And many more.