Dwellers (film)

Dwellers is an American found footage horror film written and directed by Drew Fortier. It is the first film greenlit by Ellefson Films, formed by Megadeth bassist David Ellefson and Thom Hazaert. The plot of the film follows a documentary film crew who eventually go missing while uncovering the truths behind the disappearances within a homeless community. The film stars Drew Fortier, James L. Edwards, Douglas Esper as well as David Ellefson and Thom Hazaert portraying themselves as featured cameos.


Dwellers marks the first instance of thrash metal musician David Ellefson as a film producer with the formation of Ellefson Films; expanding his brand which also includes record label EMP Label Group and coffee company Ellefson Coffee Co.
Production began in May 2019 and as of August 2019, shooting is near completion. Included locations are: Barberton and Cleveland, OH., Chicago, IL., Indianapolis, IN., and Nashville, TN.
In August 2019, Ellefson Films released the poster and teaser trailer for the film which includes a voiceover by Mitch Lafon from Rock Talk with Mitch Lafon as well as the Nine Inch Nails song The Day the World Went Away covered by Indie rock band The Foxery.
In November 2019, Ellefson Films released the full trailer for the film which features a cover of the Nine Inch Nails track We're in This Together performed by Ajna Cova.
According to a Q&A panel Ellefson Films had held at Rue Morgue's Frightmare in the Falls convention, David Ellefson and Drew Fortier explained that the film will be a gritty Cinema verite experience with the story being told through the documentary being filmed as well as the behind the scene footage that the Drew character insists on being shot. Dwellers is described by Ellefson and Fortier as being heavily influenced by the films The Blair Witch Project and C.H.U.D..