Dzongkha numerals

, the national language of Bhutan, has two numeral systems, one vigesimal, and a modern decimal system. The vigesimal system remains in robust use. Ten is an auxiliary base: the -teens are formed with ten and the numerals 1–9.


*When it appears on its own, 'ten' is usually said ' 'a full ten'. In combinations it is simply '.
Factors of 20 are formed from '. Intermediate factors of ten are formed with ' 'half to':
30kʰe pɟʱe-da ˈɲiː
40kʰe ˈɲiː
50kʰe pɟʱe-da sum
100kʰe ˈŋa
200kʰe cutʰãm
300kʰe ceŋa

400 ' is the next unit: ' 400, ' 800, etc. Higher powers are 8000 ' and 160,000.


The decimal system is the same up to 19. Then decades, however, are formed as unit–ten, as in Chinese, and the hundreds similarly. 20 is reported to be ', the same as vigesimal numeral 400; this may be lexical interference for the expected. Several of the decades have an epenthetic ', perhaps by analogy with 18 and 19, where the presumably reflects a historical 'ten':