EDE (desktop environment)

EDE is a lightweight desktop environment with an appearance somewhat reminiscent of the Windows 9x graphical user interface. It is meant to be simple and fast. Previous 1.x versions were based on a modified version of FLTK called eFLTK, while later versions are based on pure FLTK 1.x.


Equinox is an open-source, X Window System desktop project that started in 2000 by Martin Pekar, with help of others, most notably Mikko Lähteenmäki who wrote the EDELIB, Dejan Lekic, and Szasz Pal. is still available for visitors who want to look at the early source code. In September 2002 the project moved to SourceForge mainly because SourceForge offered Subversion as VCS and had compile-farms so they could test FLTK on different platforms. Soon after the project was moved to SourceForge, Sanel Zukan joined the project, and few years after, Vedran Ljubović. All former authors except Sanel and Vedran left the team due to the lack of interest. Today, Sanel and Vedran are major driving force of the project.


In EDE 2, eFLTK has been replaced with FLTK 1.x and EDE's own library, edelib. edelib contains functionality for creating a window, saving program configuration, communicating via D-Bus, loading icon themes, etc. EDE 2 follows FreeDesktop.org guidelines.


The Equinox Desktop Environment is not as common in Linux distributions as other desktop environments such as KDE, GNOME, and Xfce.
EDE is available as an optional package in MINIX 3 and is in the Mandriva Linux medias since its version 2009.0.
EDE² packages are available for Arch Linux.
EDE Packages are available for Slackware via Slackbuilds.org