EGA Trophy

The EGA Trophy was an annual amateur boys' under-21 team golf competition between Great Britain & Ireland and the Continent of Europe.


The match was instituted in 1967 and played every year until it was discontinued in 1994. The first time the Continental team won was when it was held in Sweden in 1980. Initially the event was held on the day before the start of the British Youths Open Championship. There were 5 foursomes matches in the morning and 10 singles in the afternoon. After 1985, the venue generally alternated between Great Britain and the continent.


The teams tournament was played over two days, with foursomes in the morning and singles matches in the afternoon. The Great Britain and Ireland team was selected by the R&A and the Continent of Europe side by the European Golf Association.


The Great Britain & Ireland team won the event 25 times, while Continental Europe has 3 victories. The 1984 match ended in a tie, so Great Britain & Ireland retained the trophy. The 1981 match was shortened due to adverse weather conditions.