EURid vzw is the non-profit organisation appointed by the European Commission as the domain name registry that operates top-level domain and its variants in other scripts as of 1 June 2016,.ευ as of 14 November 2019.
Established in Belgium, with its headquarters located in Diegem, EURid is a consortium of two European ccTLD operators: DNS Belgium and IIT-CNR. In October 2006, EURid opened their first branch office in Stockholm. Two further branch offices were opened in Italy and the Czech Republic since then. EURid's strategic committee consists of Pierre Verbaeten, Marko Bonac, Domenico Laforenza, Tomáš, Maršálek, Jérôme P. Chauvin, Marie-Emmanuelle Haas, Massimo Cimoli, Mauris Bruggink, Luc Hendrickx, and Matthias Matthiesen.
EURid uses the Extensible Provisioning Protocol which enables registrars to perform operations domain names directly.
EURid's website, is available in the 24 official languages of the European Union.