Eadweard (film)

Eadweard is a 2015 Canadian drama film written by Josh Epstein and Kyle Rideout, directed by Kyle Rideout and produced by Josh Epstein. The film, a psychological drama, stars Michael Eklund as photographer Eadweard Muybridge. The film's Canadian premiere was at the Vancouver International Film Festival in Vancouver, British Columbia on October 2, 2015.
The film began shooting around Greater Vancouver in July 2013.
Eadweard stars Michael Eklund, Sara Canning, Torrance Coombs, Christopher Heyerdahl, Jodi Balfour, Charlie Carrick and Jonathon Young.
Aside from screening at various film festivals, the film had a successful theatrical run in several Canadian cities.
Rideout and Epstein, actors, had previously appeared in a stage play depicting Muybridge's life, Studies in Motion — the Hauntings of Eadweard Muybridge.


A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's lover, and was the last American to receive the justifiable homicide verdict.

Awards and accolades

At the 4th Canadian Screen Awards, Rideout and cowriter Josh Epstein garnered a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay.
At the 2015 Leo Awards, Eadweard received a leading 15 nominations and won in the following categories:
At the 2015 UBCP Awards, Michael Eklund won best actor award for his portrayal of Eadweard, whilst Sara Canning was nominated for best actress.
At the Maui Film Festival, Eadweard won the audience award in the Narrative Independent Feature category.
At the 2015 Nashville Film Festival, Eadweard won the Audience Award in the Narrative Competition category, and also the Special Jury Prize for Cinematography
At the 2015 FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival, Eadweard won first prize in the Audience Choice Awards, Best Feature category.
At the 2015 Alhambra Film Festival, Michael Eklund won best actor. At the 2015 Cape Cod International Film Festival Eadweard won best picture.