Ebrechtella tricuspidata

Ebrechtella tricuspidata is a species of crab spiders belonging to the family Thomisidae.


This species is widespread in the Palearctic ecozone. It does not exist in United Kingdom.


These medium-sized crab spiders inhabit dry meadows and sunny forest edges, waiting for prey well camouflaged in flower and foliage.


Ebrechtella tricuspidata can reach approximately a body length of in females, while males are smaller, reaching a body length of. The cephalothorax is light green in females, with sometimes indeterminate reddish markings on the back of the whitish-yellowish abdomen. These reddish markings usually consist of two broad rear-connected bands. Also legs are light green.
Males are clearly different-looking. They have light brown cephalothorax with bright median stripe and the first two pairs of legs, while the bottle-shaped abdomen is usually pale green, laterally with dark brown markings.


Adults from both sexes can be found in May and June.
