Ed Currie

Ed Currie, also known as "Smokin' Ed" is an American chili pepper grower, and a participant in the race to grow the hottest pepper. He is the head of the PuckerButt Pepper Company, which bred the Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper in the world as certified by Guinness World Records. He also grew the Pepper X, an even hotter pepper. He resides in Rock Hill, South Carolina.


Carolina Reaper

Currie grew the Carolina Reaper in Rock Hill, South Carolina. At 1,569,300 Scoville units, it is the hottest pepper certified by Guinness World Records. It was certified on August 11, 2017..


The Carolina Reaper unofficially lost its status at the hottest pepper to the Dragon's Breath pepper, at 2,480,000 Scoville Units.. However, Currie bred the Pepper X, which overtook Dragon's Breath. It has a Scoville rating of 3,180,000. However, like Dragon's Breath, it was never confirmed by Guinness World Records.

PuckerButt Pepper Company

The PucketButt Pepper Company, based in Fort Mill, South Carolina was founded by Currie in 2003. It sells a variety of products related to peppers, including Carolina Reaper seeds, and a variety of hot sauces made from Carolina Reapers.

Personal life


Currie grew up in Michigan. He struggled with addiction to marijuana, and attempted suicide by freezing to death. He claimed to have a vision of an angel, and chose to live. He then drove to a rehab facility to end his addiction.

Move to South Carolina

Currie moved to his parents house in South Carolina, wanting to grow peppers again. There, he met his wife, and founded the PuckerButt Pepper company.