Eden Studios, Inc.

Eden Studios, Inc. is an American role-playing game publisher founded in 1996 by George Vasilakos, M. Alexander Jurkat, and Ed Healy. Currently run by Mr. Vasilakos, Eden Studios is best known for Conspiracy X, the Buffyverse role-playing games, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, CJ Carella's WitchCraft and most recently for the City of Heroes Roleplaying Game, an unreleased adaptation of Cryptic Studios' MMORPG City of Heroes. Although there has been no activity or news from the company in over a year, with their Facebook page's last post in August 2017. It is unknown at this time if the company is active.


Eden Studios released Enemies Archived, a monster manual for Armageddon in PDF and POD produced in conjunction with Misfit Studios.