Education for Democracy Foundation

Education for Democracy Foundation is a Polish foundation, launched in 1989, which operates as a public benefit organization.


The foundation was created in 1989 on the initiative of Polish and American teachers, among other the American Federation of Teachers in Poland. Its founders include Andrzej Janowski, Wiktor Kulerski, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Edward Wieczorek, Jacek Woźniakowski, Jan Piotr Lasota-Hirszowicz, Sandra Feldman, Herbert Magidson, Diana Ravitch and Albert Shanker.
For its activities, it has thus far received the Democracy and Civil Society Award in 1988, the title of the Pro Publico Bono Institution in 2004, the title of the Non-governmental Organization of Central and Eastern Europe of the year 2009, and the medal of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in 2010.
The foundation is a founding member of the Grupa Zagranica Alliance of Associations and of the Education for Democracy International Network Since January 2012, it has been a participant in the Student Council as a Civic Activity Experience at School project. It cooperates with, among other organizations, the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the Moscow School of Civic Education.


The foundation’s activities are centered on three main areas:
Current activities and programs:
Supervisory Council
Foundation Board