Education in Norwalk, Connecticut

There are an assortment of public, private, and parochial schools in Norwalk, Connecticut.

Post-secondary education

There are four post-secondary schools within the city of Norwalk:
There are also other post-secondary schools in nearby towns.
The Norwalk Hospital runs an internship program associated with the Yale School of Medicine and a nursing program associated with Norwalk Community College.

Norwalk Public Schools

is the school district serving Norwalk, Connecticut.
It operates the following high schools:
The is a charter school that is located in South Norwalk and serves grades pre-K through 8th. It was started in 1997, soon after Connecticut's charter school law went into effect, by a group of public educators. This regional school serves students from Norwalk as well as from surrounding towns.


The All Saints Catholic School, serves grades pre-K through 8th. It is operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport which consolidated three previous Norwalk elementary schools and closed the former Central Catholic High School to open the All Saints in the former Central Catholic High building on West Rocks Road.
The Congregation Beth El on East Avenue runs the preschool as well as the Hebrew school for part-time religious instruction of children who are enrolled full-time in other elementary schools.
In 2008 the Connecticut Friends School purchased the White Barn Theatre in the Cranbury neighborhood in northeast Norwalk. The Quaker school plans to build a new solar-powered campus on the property with occupancy expected by the fall of 2009 for grades K-8.


Since September 2004 the Montessori Middle School for grades 5-8 has been in Norwalk and is currently at 24 Lois Street. It is associated with for elementary grades in nearby Wilton.
Since September 2007 the Winston Preparatory School of New York City has operated a branch campus along West Rocks Road in Norwalk. The school specializes in students with learning differences in grades 4 through 12.