Effort management

Effort management refers to the effective and efficient allocation of time and resources to perform activities. These activities are generally performed in line with a and/or a project. Effective effort management requires self-discipline, communication, motivation, energy and focus. As part of the effort management process, effective scheduling and recording of the performed activities is essential. Depending on the results of the activity, adjustments can be made to further benefit the project and / or company. These adjustments will generally be made in the areas of quantity, quality and direction. The main goal of effort management within organizations is to increase viable and beneficial opportunities for the company.


Effort management is useful for processes and strategies that seek to focus on activities instead of other areas like project management especially if new activities are integrated into the process. For example, in software development, effort management breaks activities down to appropriate granularity level so that it leads to manageable activity sets. If used in the management of supply chain, it can be deployed in the planning, implementation, and regulation of functions related to supply chain in order to induce value creation. In the academic field, effort management is used to improve the educational achievement of learners. A study revealed that it facilitates motivational regulation strategies and is directly linked to the improvement of students' GPA.
The effort management framework could also positively affect sales for a retail organization. With the Bayesian approach, a strategy that employs effort management can determine demand not only based on sales but also based on stocks and the employees' sales effort.