Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt

Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt was a German physical anthropologist who classified humanity into races.

Early life

Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt was born on April 10, 1892 in Jersitz, Province of Posen.


Von Eickstedt was an anthropologist. He was the author of Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit.
From 1933 to 1945, he was the editor of Zeitschrift fur Rassenkunde, a German journal of racial studies, with the assistance of Hans F. K. Günther.

Racial Classification

In Europe:
I. Northern belt of the depigmented forms:
1.) Nordide
2.) Osteuropide
II. Central belt of the brachycephals :
1.) Alpinide
2.) Dinaride
3.) Lappide
III. Southern belt of the dark dolichocephals :
In Asia:
I. Brachycephal belt:
1.) Armenide
2.) Turanide
II. Dark dolichocephal belt:
1.) Orientalide
2.) Indide
In Asia:
1.) Tungide
2.) Sinide
3.) Palämongolide
4.) Sibiride
In America:
I. Eskimide
II. Indianide:
1.) Pazifide
2.) Silvide
3.) Margide
4.) Zentralide
5.) Andide
6.) Pampide
7.) Brasilide
8.) Lagide
I. Negrid-Europid contact zone:
II. Bush and savannah zone
1.) Nilotide
2.) Sudanide
3.) Kafride
III. Rain forest zone:
In Africa:
I. Bambutide
II. Khoisanide:
In Asia:
I. Ainuide
II. Weddide
III. Negritide
IV. Australomelaneside:
1.) Australide
2.) Melaneside
V. Polyneside
VI. Indomelenide


He died on December 20, 1965.