Egyptian Arts Group

Egyptian Arts Group is a production and distribution company operating business in the Middle East and North Africa and seeks to go worldwide.


Egyptian Arts Group established with the participation of Core Production Company and Switch Production Company. Acquired expertise of the two companies,Egyptian Arts Group aims to produce different offering of TV and film market in terms of production quality, and the first production was Bab El Khalk TV series, broadcast on more popular channels like CBC, Al Mehwar, Dream 2, Bab El Khalk is considered Mahmoud Abdel Aziz renturn after 8 years since his last successful TV Series “Mahmoud Al Masry”.


And also a representative of the younger generation was represented by many film and television successful roles and began working as assistant director in some programs and works of art.
And has considerable experience in the field of Advertising and organizing major concerts in Egypt.
And also Managing Director of Switch artistic production and managing director of the company 4P'S and propaganda Arab Organization for Industrialization
and has an experience of over 20 years in the field.
