Eiderstedt (Amt)

Eiderstedt is an Amt in the district of Nordfriesland, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The Amt covers the peninsula of Eiderstedt, excepted for the town of Tönning.


On January 1, 2008, the independent municipality of Sankt Peter-Ording became part of the Amt.


The Amt Eiderstedt consists of the following municipalities :
  1. Garding
  2. Garding, Kirchspiel
  3. Grothusenkoog
  4. Katharinenheerd
  5. Kotzenbüll
  6. Norderfriedrichskoog
  7. Oldenswort
  8. Osterhever
  9. Poppenbüll
  10. Sankt Peter-Ording
  11. Tating
  12. Tetenbüll
  13. Tümlauer-Koog
  14. Vollerwiek
  15. Welt
  16. Westerhever

    Coat of arms

The coat of arms displays a golden ship on a blue background with 3 sails in which are drawn, in red, a leopard, a cow and a fish.