El ángel caído (TV series)

El ángel caído is a Mexican telenovela produced by Francisco Burillo for Televisa in 1985.
Rebecca Jones starred as antagonistic protagonist, with Alejandro Camacho and Eduardo Palomo.


María de los Ángeles Bustamante is known to all his people. The image that people have of it, is classified as a good and honest woman and manners too. However, María de los Ángeles, is actually a bitter and capable person to destroy anyone, just to get enough money to support herself. That's when María de los Ángeles marries a man who inherits, and she kills her wedding night, then collect the heritage.
After this act, María de los Ángeles looking to get more money, and so begins with plans to murder his uncle, who's named in his will as one of the heirs of his fortune. However, that heritage should also share with Toño, his cousin. That's when María de los Ángeles begins to make his life miserable, until finally one day decides to escape Toño and María de los Ángeles leaves town.
Toño comes to work at companies Roberto Florescano, and there falls in love Avelina, but she is committed to Roberto Florescano. Toño Avelina's daughter discovers that his uncle, and that she would inherit part of their heritage. Toño returns to town with Roberto and Avelina. Roberto falls in love with María de los Ángeles, while the other two try to discover the real María de los Ángeles.
