El Malpensante

El Malpensante is a Colombian literary magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, graphic art and poetry founded in 1996. Its founders were Andrés Hoyos Restrepo and Mario Jursich Durán The name of the magazine was extracted from a book of aphorisms written by Gesualdo Bufalino.
Since its foundation in 1996, El Malpensante has become one of the main cultural references of Colombia. Literature, cinema, music, art, architecture, design, politics. The wide variety of paradoxical readings contained in its pages have redefined for a generation of readers what it means to "be malpensante": a brand of literary pleasure; a window to access particular and profound views of culture; an innovative publishing firm, a guarantee of quality and credibility. La editorial de dicha revista realiza además el Festival Malpensante, una serie de encuentros anuales que incluye diversas actividades culturales realizadas en Bogotá.2 Recientemente El Malpensante asumió el mando de la tradicional librería Biblos en Bogotá. Para el año 2011 ya se anunció que no habrá Festival Malpensante..