El brujo

El brujo is a 1977 comic written and drawn by Francisco Ibañez for the Mortadelo y Filemón comic series.

Publication history

The comic strip was first published in the Mortadelo magazine, issues #309 to #330.


Atilo Pérrez, the chief of the F.E.A., hires the services of a rustic and somewhat clumsy old warlock, named Aniceto Papandujo, to finish off El Super. Fortunately, Mortadelo finds out about this plan and convinces Filemon and El Super that the warlock's power is only all too real. Therefore, Mortadelo and Filemon are assigned to protect their boss against the magical traps Papandujo sends their way:
Finally, Papandujo manages to feed El Super a potion which makes him behave like a chicken. Mortadelo and Filemon infiltrate F.E.A. and manage to blow both Papandujo and Pérrez into space. In order to destroy the warlock's elixirs and concoctions, Mortadelo thinks of diluting the whole collection inside El Super's bathtub; but when El Super decides to take a bath, the unwholesome mixture turns him into a horrifying monster, ending the story with another furious chase of Mortadelo and Filemon.