Carlos Martínez, an undocumented immigrant living in Los Angeles, is a good, hardworking man who wants to give a good future and better opportunities to his children. Carlos is a widowed man who only lives with his youngest son, Luis. His oldest son, Rodrigo became a gang member and left the houseyears ago, during his teenage years. Carlos faces several difficulties and dangers because of his legal situation, but remains optimistic and tries to live honestly and decently, working as a gardener. He has a relationship with a Mexican-American woman named Felicia who owns a bar and is desperately obsessed with him. On the other side of the story, Adela Morales is a young and beautiful woman who lives in Lancaster with her brother Matías and her alcoholic mother Laura. Like Carlos, Adela came into the United States as a young girl and is also undocumented. Adela and Matías joined a gang named La Colonia since they were teens. La Colonia is led by Colmillo and his right-hand, who is actually Rodrígo, now known as "El Faier". One day, one of Carlos co-workers and friend tells him that he is leaving the United States and will go back to México, so he wants to sell Carlos his old truck, so Carlos can continue working as a gardener and also start his own gardening business. Carlos borrows the money from his sister, María and purchases the truck. Meanwhile, Adela and Matías are taken prisoners by La Colonia, after the gang discovered that Matías is having deals with a rival gang. Noemí, another gang member, accuses them both to cover herself because she has been stealing drugs from La Colonia. Matías is killed by the order of Rodrígo, who ordered his death from jail, and Adela is marked down in her belly as a traitor. Adela escapes from La Colonia, and they start hunting her to kill her. One day, Carlos stops in a store to buy some supplies and parks his new truck outside. Adela is walking nearby, hiding from La Colonia. Suddenly she sees some members of La Colonia, and desperate to escape, she sees Carlos's truck and steals it. Carlos runs behind the truck and is able to get himself attached to the door. Carlos and Adela, despite the situation, fall in love at first sight, and from that moment starts their story together.