El señor doctor

El señor doctor is a 1965 Mexican comedy film directed by Miguel M. Delgado and starring Cantinflas, alongside Marta Romero and Miguel Ángel Álvarez.


Salvador Medina is a country doctor who, finding many different technological advances in the medical field, and the need to adapt to said new technologies, moves to Mexico City to become an intern in the Medical Center of the Mexican Social Security Institute.
Salvador immediately clashes with his superior and Head of Training at IMSS, Dr. Miguel Villanueva, while growing closer to Nurse Laura who, unbeknownst to him at first, is Dr. Villanueva's sister. In his medical activity at the hospital, Salvador serves various patients by raising their self-esteem, as in the case of an old lady patient who feels very lonely and abandoned from her only relative, a grandson; as well as a patient who is almost completely bandaged, and another one who cannot even feed himself.
Salvador meets Beto, an eight-year-old patient who has a brain tumor, which has grown enough to disturb his visibility. Salvador is moved by Beto's case and provides special attention, even though the case is under the responsibility of another doctor friend of Salvador, Dr. Montero who is a pediatrician. Beto's parents are separated, and their personal differences affect Beto's mood.
Beto's father in particular is opposed to having his son operated, on the grounds that he does not want medical experiments to be done with the child's health, even when surgery is the only way to save him. However, when Beto's situation becomes critical, Salvador decides to perform surgery against the wishes of Beto's father, risking his medical career.
Ultimately, Salvador is successful and Beto is on the way to recovery and, in addition, a new hospital is inaugurated in Salvador's hometown, which will remain under his direction. Beto's parents reconcile and apologize to Salvador, who in turn receives the acceptance of Dr. Villanueva and his sister Laura, who officially becomes Salvador's girlfriend.
