Electoral district of South Launceston

The electoral district of South Launceston, sometimes referred to as Launceston South, was an electoral district of the Tasmanian House of Assembly. It was based in Tasmania's second city, Launceston, and the surrounding rural area.
The seat was created as a single-member seat ahead of the 1871 election following the dissolution of the multi-member Launceston seat. In 1886, it became a two-member seat, and at the 1897 election, it was abolished when the Launceston seat was recreated under a trial of the Hare-Clark model.

Members for South Launceston

Single member: 1871–1886
Thomas Thomas1871–1872
James Castley1872–1874
John Balfe1874–1877
Samuel Tulloch1877–1878
James Scott1878–1884
William Hartnoll1884–1886

Two member: 1886–1897
Member 1TermMember 2Term
David Scott1886–1891William Hartnoll1886–1897
Samuel Sutton1891–1897William Hartnoll1886–1897