Eletrobras Cepel

Eletrobras Cepel, or Center for Energy Research, is a State Funded electrical energy research institution located in Rio de Janeiro South America. It was founded in 1974 by Eletrobras and its subsidiaries: Chesf, Eletronorte, Eletrosul and Furnas. The Center's mission is to develop and deploy sustainable technology solutions for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity by means of Research, Development and Innovation activities for the Brazilian electricity sector.
Cepel has 30 laboratories, 20 of them are located in the headquarters in Rio de Janeiro city. The other ten labs are located in Nova Iguaçu, where works on high voltage, high current, etc. are developed.
Cepel is organized in five departments:
Name in PortugueseName in EnglishAcronym
Departamento de Automação de SistemasSystems Automation DepartmentDAS
Departamento de Sistemas ElétricosElectric Systems DepartmentDSE
Departamento de Tecnologias EspeciaisSpecial Technologies DepartmentDTE
Departamento de Instalações e EquipamentosEquipment and Structure DepartmentDIE
Departamento de Otimização Energética e Meio AmbienteEnvironment and Electric Optimization DepartmentDEA