
Eleusinion was a sanctuary in Athens, Greece, dedicated to Demeter and Kore.
The temple was built in the early 5th-century BC. It was located at the base of the Acropolis. Below it was a spring called Enneakrounos. The building had a size of around 11 x 18m. It contained statues of Demeter and Kore as well as of Iakkhos, a leader of the Eleusinian mysteries. Close by was another temple of Triptolemos.
The Eleusinion played an important role in the Panathenaic festival. It is known as the place where all sacred objects associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries were kept between ceremonies. It was also there preparations was made for the sacred processions of the mysteries.
Pausanias describe the sanctuary in the 2nd century:
The sanctuary was closed in the 4th-century during the persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire. Few excavations has been made of it.