
ElgooG is a mirrored website of Google Search with horizontally flipped search results, also known as a "Google mirror". It was created by All Too Flat "for fun", which started to gain popularity in 2002. The site found practical use in the People's Republic of China after the domestic banning of Google, circumventing the Great Firewall. A WHOIS request shows that the domain elgoog.im was registered to Google Inc. since 2000, but it is currently for sale.


Under the mirrored search box there are some extra features that include Underwater Google, Google Gravity, T-Rex Game, Pac-man, Guitar and Snake Game. You can also use it to access Bing Mirror, the mirrored version of Bing.


If you try to search something in the search box, it will appear mirrored and, instead of searching for what you typed, it will search for "Google Tricks List". When a website is clicked, it will proceed to do the trick mentioned in the title.