Elizabeth Bath

Elizabeth Bath, née Paddy, was an English poet. She was the author of a collection of sixty-six poems published by subscription in 1806 in Bristol. She was a member of the Society of Friends.


Elizabeth Paddy was born on 17 February 1776. She was the daughter of Edward Paddy and Mary of Falmouth, Cornwall.
On 7 November 1796, she married Henry Bath a Quaker and metals merchant of Swansea, South Wales, also founder of Henry Bath & Son Ltd., an enterprise currently in existence. They lived at Rosehill House, in Mumbles, Swansea. Elizabeth's sister, Mary, became the wife of Edward Osler and thereby the grandmother of Sir William Osler, the world-renowned physician.
In 1806, she published, Poems, on Various Occasions. It
is dedicated to a friend "whose sincerity is equaled only by the stability which has ever marked her character." The poems take a variety of forms — some are sonnets; some are longer poems — and they address religion, loss, friendship, sensibility, and other likely topics. The list of subscribers is substantial.
Bath died on 3 October 1844.

Selected works