Elizabeth Humphreys Penrose

Elizabeth Humphreys Penrose is an American writer of poetry in the science fiction genre. She is a long-standing member of one of Pittsburgh's oldest Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writer's Workshops, Carnegie-Mellon University-based Pittsburgh Worldwrights, which was founded by Mary Soon Lee and includes Pittsburgh science fiction writers Barton Paul Levenson and Kenneth Chiacchia among its members, see Pittsburgh#Writing. Penrose was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor's in English and Master's in English Literature.


Penrose was born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1960 but was brought to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the age of 2 and has lived there ever since. Elizabeth Penrose is building a list of publications, including her poems in Star*Line, Wicked Hollow and Pedestal Magazine. She teaches a class in poetry reading and writing at a social service agency connected with University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers. She views herself as a Christian Socialist, Feminist, Pacifist.
