Elizabeth Treadwell

Elizabeth Treadwell is an American poet. Her works include LILYFOIL + 3, Chantry, Cornstarch Figurine, Birds & Fancies, and Wardolly.

Poetic style

Writing in Stride magazine, critic Nathan Thompson called hers "a difficult but deeply rewarding poetry. It has a precision and a tenderness all of its own."1 In Boog City, critic Maureen Thorson called Treadwell's "a feminine poetry, marvelous, tough, and unrelenting."2 Treadwell's work has also been reviewed in , , The Believer, and elsewhere. Her work is discussed in as part of "The New Thing: the object lessons of recent American poetry."3


Born in Oakland, California, Treadwell is a graduate of the Berkeley Unified School District, the University of California, Berkeley, and San Francisco State University. From 2000 to 2007, she was director of Small Press Traffic Literary Arts Center at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco.