Ella Farman

Eliza Anna Farman Pratt was an American writer of children's literature.
Eliza Anna Farman was living on a Battle Creek, Michigan farm with Emma L. Shaw, writing books for girls, when Daniel Lothrop invited her to Boston to become the editor of Wide Awake, from 1875 until December, 1891. For years, she continued its editor, being assisted during the latter part of the time by her husband, Charles Stuart Pratt, who attended to the art side while she had exclusive control of its literary department. She left Wide Awake to edit the young people's publication for Mr. S. S. McClure, but the magazine was never the same, and shortly after was merged into St. Nicholas Magazine. Pratt then became editor of Little Men and Women.
In 1877, she married Charles Stuart Pratt, the associate editor of Wide Awake.

Selected works
