Ellamar Mountain

Ellamar Mountain is a prominent mountain summit located in the Chugach Mountains, in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is situated northwest of Cordova, southwest of Valdez, and north of Tatitlek, on land managed by Chugach National Forest. It is approximately northeast of Bligh Reef, the location of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. The mountain's local name was taken from the copper mining camp of "Ellamar" at the southwest base of the mountain. In turn, Ellamar is a portmanteau of Ella and Margaret. When a post office was established for this new mining camp, C. L. Wayland, the first Postal Inspector for the Territory of Alaska and parts of the Pacific Northwest, coined Ellamar from the names of his wife, Ella, and daughter, Margaret. Precipitation runoff from the mountain drains into Prince William Sound.


Based on the Köppen climate classification, Ellamar Mountain is located in a subarctic climate zone with long, cold, snowy winters, and cool summers. Weather systems coming off the Gulf of Alaska are forced upwards by the Chugach Mountains, causing heavy precipitation in the form of rainfall and snowfall. Temperatures can drop below −20 °C with wind chill factors below −30 °C. The months May through June offer the most favorable weather for viewing and climbing.