Elsbeth Ebertin

Elsbeth Ebertin was a German graphic artist, writer and astrologer. Elsbeth used the pseudonym Elsa Gorlizia in her writings.
She is most notable for predicting the rise of Adolf Hitler.
She was the mother of Reinhold Ebertin, who was also a publisher and astrologer.

Life and work

Eslbeth was born on May 14, 1880 in Görlitz, Germany.
She was interested in philosophy and graphology at an early age and from 1900 onward she was active as a writer for various magazines. She became a well known astrology publicist after World War I. It has been reported the former king of Bulgaria was one of her customers.
In 1923 a supporter of Adolf Hitler sent Ebertin the 34-year-old future leader's detailed birth date, while concealing his identity. She drew up a horoscope based on the given birth date of April 20, 1889, Sun at 29° in Aries. Statements in this horoscope were later interpreted as a prediction of the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8, 1923. Ebertin - who could easily have inferred the subject's identity - was very impressed by Hitler and his ideas, as can be seen in her publication of the horoscope in June 1923:
In 1935, Ebertin sent flowers and a collection of poems to Hitler with a personal dedication. She wrote:


Elsbeth died November 28, 1944, Freiburg, Germany at the time of an Allied bomb attack during World War II.


In 1926 "In the Stars", a film adaptation of her novel "Der Mars im Todeshaus" was released in many German cities, according to a report in the Berlin journal Die Filmwoche. As astrology was taken seriously in Germany, the Nazis attempted to suppress any associations and publications concerning astrology. The suppression continued as Hitler and the Nazis increased their power, until they imposed a complete ban on astrology in the later years of their rule.
