Emblem of the Socialist Republic of Romania

The emblem of the Socialist Republic of Romania was an emblem of Romania during the communist period between 1947 and 1989.
After 1948, Communist authorities changed both the flag and the coat of arms. The coat of arms became more emblematically faithful to Communist symbolism: a landscape surrounded by stocks of wheat tied together with a cloth in the colors of the national flag. The pattern of the emblem was modeled after the state emblem of the Soviet Union.
Between 1948 and 1966, there were three variants. The first came shortly after 1948. The emblem shows an landscape with a fir-wood and a mountainridge, on the dexter a derrick and in the sky a rising sun all proper. On the ears, were the wheat with the motto "RPR" in white lettering on a ribbon. In 1952, the red star was added.
The final change to the communist emblem took place in 1965 when Romania ceased to be a People's Republic, and became a Socialist Republic. At this time, the wording changed from R. P. R. to Republica Socialistă România with some minor changes to the ribbon. The emblem remained in use until the fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu and the communist regime, the communist emblem was removed from all flags, and official seals. Some flags had a hole and some changed to the later official blue-yellow-red format. The wording changed to just Romania. The new coat of arms replaced the socialist emblem in 1992.