Emerald Moon Records

Emerald Moon Records is an American record label, founded by Matt Boylan in Baltimore, Maryland in 2004. The label features a varied roster focusing on alternative genres of local music including punk, hardcore, pop punk, screamo, indie, and emo. Since its inception, the Emerald Moon has expanded their roster to cover more regional acts from the Northeast. The label is known for having launched such acts as All Time Low, Fall River, and Hometown Anthem.
The label has been seen as a starting point to allow local and regional bands to gain notoriety along the east coast and have the opportunity to tour the country. Emerald Moon artists annually perform on the Vans Warped Tour, as well as Flipside Festival, The Bamboozle and Hellfest.

Current and Former acts

This is the release list of Emerald Moon Records in order of catalog number:
  1. Various Artists - From the Land of Pleasant Living
  2. All Time Low - The Three Words to Remember in Dealing with the End EP
  3. Fall River - Chronicles
  4. Bled Across Miles - Hats Off to the Good Guys
  5. Emma - Then We Burnt the Village
  6. This Year Passed - The Progress EP
  7. Stars Turn Cold - My Gift, My Burden
  8. All Time Low - The Party Scene
  9. Morning for the Masses - Wake Up Better
  10. Hometown Anthem - Don't Hold On To What You Hear
  11. Fall Line - Seiran
  12. Make Your Stand - Make Your Stand
  13. Boy Crazy - Whale Songs to Kensington Garden
  14. Inferis - Fear the Engineer
  15. My America is Watching Tigers Die - Narratives
  16. Hometown Anthem - If We Could Dream
  17. Dead Again!? - Monolith
  18. Spark is a Diamond - Keep Your Eyes Off the Prize
  19. The Jonbenet - "Devil Music Volume 1"
  20. Morning for the Masses - "Seconds"
  21. The Spotlight - "Slug Love"
  22. My America Is Watching Tigers Die - "30,000 Lbs."
  23. Lady Radiator - "Bounce Energy Hear Me Out"
  24. Girlfight - "Haggard"
  25. The Tonight Life - EP
  26. Spark Is A Diamond - "You Can't Stop"
  27. The Jonbenet - "Devil Music Volume 2"
  28. The Green Eyed Machine - Self Titled
  29. Girlfight - Ghost Eater
  30. The Tonight Life - Carry Me On