Emerson Waldorf School

The Emerson Waldorf School, founded in 1984, is a Pre-K to Grade 12 Waldorf school with about 260 enrolled students. The campus is located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The school offers a curriculum based on the philosophical and pedagogical indications of Rudolf Steiner, designed to promote interdisciplinary and multi-sensory learning. The school celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2009.


While the Waldorf curriculum contains a traditional academic focus, there are a number of distinctive aspects to the education:
The School holds a "Rose Ceremony" at the beginning of the school year to welcome first graders to the Lower School. Various festivals are held each year, including Michaelmas, Martinmas Lantern Walk, the Spiral of Light, Santa Lucia, and a May Day celebration. In addition, festivals from other cultures are arranged from time to time, such as Las Posadas. The School also hosts two community-wide celebrations, a Holiday Fair in November–December and a May Faire.

School policies