Emmental cheese

Emmental is a yellow, medium-hard Swiss cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, canton of Bern. It has a savory but mild taste. While the denomination "Emmentaler Switzerland" is protected, "Emmentaler" alone is not: similar cheeses of other origins, especially from France, Bavaria and Finland, are widely available and sold by that name. Emmental was first written down in records in 1293, but first called by its name in 1542.


Three types of bacteria are needed to prepare Emmental: Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus helveticus, and Propionibacterium freudenreichii. Historically, the holes were a sign of imperfection, and until modern times cheese makers would try to avoid them. Emmental cheese is used in a variety of dishes, particularly in gratins, and fondue, where it is mixed with Gruyère.

Protected varieties

Several varieties of Emmental have certification, including:
Emmental AOC
Outside Switzerland