Empower (company)

Empower is an independently owned marketing agency headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Mary Beth Price, former media planner and buyer for Leo Burnett, Procter and Gamble and A.C. Nielsen, founded Media That Works—now Empower MediaMarketing—in Cincinnati in 1985. Price stepped down as CEO in 1997 but remains on Empower's board of directors along with her husband, Bill Price. After leaving Empower, she was the Richard A. Forsythe Chair of Entrepreneurship at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and earned multiple awards: McCall's/Ad Week Best Woman in Advertising Award, Cincinnati Business Person of the Year, Forbes/Advertising Age Media Maven, Ad Club of Cincinnati Silver Medalist, Leadership Cincinnati participant and YWCA Career Woman of Achievement.
Empower’s current CEO is Mary Beth’s son, Jim Price, who has led the company since 2008. In the time Jim has served as CEO, Empower revenue has grown by 56% and employee headcount has also increased by 50%. In 2016, Empower reported its highest revenues since its founding in 1985.
